[Mesorah] S. Baer on Shelo Assani Nochri

R. Rich Wolpoe rabbirichwolpoe at gmail.com
Mon Mar 19 12:27:28 PDT 2012

That's different; we don't make a bracha because it's a machlokes
whether we have to wash in the first place.  But in this case we
definitely have a chiyuv to wash, but we're not using a natla, so how
can we say "al netilas".

Zev Sero  »

I'm talking about cleaning w/o water. At any rate who has the authority to coin a new B'rachah?

At any rate, when one cannot comply with the conditions, and does something else instead, maybe no B'rachah at all is best?     

How/Why is "al n'qiyyus yadayin" the only definitive answer?
Shalom and Regards, RRW

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