[Mesorah] S. Baer on Shelo Assani Nochri

R. Rich Wolpoe rabbirichwolpoe at gmail.com
Mon Mar 19 11:33:20 PDT 2012

For that matter, I thought you "voiced" ("bitted"?) agreement with my
"weigh each as pros and cons" formulation.

Tir'u baTov!

I tend to agree with the heuristic model, and I think there is more flexibility here than some will allow

And nahara nahara ufashteih sometimes make sense

Re: Nochri Satanov, R Heidenheim, R Baer et al impacted virtually all Yekke Siddurim and Mach'zorim.

Except that KAJ never changed from Goy and R Hofmeister also restored it. 

Also R Hofmeister told me on the phone in general about his restorations that those who don't restore, yeish lahem al mi lismoch viz. the acharonim   IOW he does not see his rolling back as a MUST do rather as more of a peek at what it used to be.

IOW it's not always clear that we must roll back.  But it's also good sometimes to see that nusach X might not be from Sinai after all.  

Most people are imho too fixated on the current status quo to see how the nusach actually unfolded.
Shalom and Regards, RRW

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