[Mesorah] Davening: Pesach vs. Hag Hammatzos

R. Rich Wolpoe rabbirichwolpoe at gmail.com
Thu Mar 15 19:33:14 PDT 2012

R Akiva Miller:
«What I'm wondering is if ANY fix was a good idea.»

«Don't you think there is a difference on the one hand between a GRA changing the placement of the works of a paytan, or the TaZ changing the placement of the work of a paytan, because they felt there was a problem al pi din (hefseik) with the paytanim's placement,»

I have a long answer

The short answer is that until Reform, every revision was seen as an improvement by its editor.  

Who gets to sit in judgment as to what is right? 
What is miSinai? 
What are copyist errors? Etc.

EG L'eila l'eila or l'eila ul'eila?
Artscroll itself did not take sides.

 Artscroll Siddur has Zecher in Ashrei

Arstscroll Tanach has Zeicher in Psalm 145.  Just how do these things get decided?

Shalom and Regards, RRW

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