[Mesorah] She'ata / Sha'ata

R. Rich Wolpoe rabbirichwolpoe at gmail.com
Wed Feb 22 09:30:04 PST 2012

«Sof'rim who 
want to warn the reader that the sh'va is na', add the 
patach symbol next to it. Other sof'rim don't bother. None 
added it in words repeated often and that everyone knows, 
e.g. the sh'va alone in shem havaya with nikkud of shem 



Well done

Just a footnote
Yekkes still use hataf patach and Not a sh'va na in 2 major cases

1. Reish with a sh'va na is treated as a guttural - except at the start of a word. EG Barach as noted

2. Doubles EG Halalukah and Rivavos instead of Hal'lukah and Riv'vos.

This is true in nikkud Tanach and in Siddur, too

Other exceptions in Tanach

EG Usadeh - because often following a leading shuruk the sh'va is Nach. Ergo a hataf patach is inserted to warn the reader.

Shalom and Regards, RRW

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