[Mesorah] She'ata / Sha'ata

kennethgmiller at juno.com kennethgmiller at juno.com
Tue Feb 21 06:48:39 PST 2012

R'SBA wrote:

> Some TC in Bnei Brak (IIRC, named Kraus) published an entire
> sefer on the geshem/goshem affair. Again, IIRC, he shows clearly
> that geshem is correct

I really don't know what the word "correct" means in this context. I doubt it is even possible to put any level of objective correctness to it. The most one might say is that "Posek A prefers this" or "Posek B prefers that".

For example, one of the links RSBA brought quotes R' Sammy Noe as writing:

> Also, Rav Moshe zt"l in the Igros openly says it should be goshem.
> (However, Rav Yaakov zt"l argues, and although Rav Moshe was noted
> as the unequivocal posek hador, it was known that Rav Yaakov had a
> tremendous expertise in dikduk, so whom do we follow in this?)

This is an excellent demonstration of how hard it is to decide between two major gedolim. Hence my confusion and continued equivocation about the concept of correctness.

Please note that I am NOT trying to end this discussion -- I'm only suggesting more precision in our words.

Akiva Miller

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