[Mesorah] Haftorah

Lawrence Teitelman lteitelman at yahoo.com
Wed Jul 13 12:31:33 PDT 2011

The Brisker custom is not to read Hatishpot Hatishpot even when all other conditions would make you "forced to"; instead they read Halo Kivnei on two separate occasions.
On this basis, when it came up at YU in 5757, I was given the psak to read Halo Kivnei, although someone who had been there the previous time it happened some two decades earlier, interjected that then they had read Hatishpot Hatishpot. 
Larry Teitelman

From: David Cohen ddcohen at gmail.com

<< Rarer even than that is "Hatishpot hatishpot," according to the custom that reads it only when "forced to", because Acharei and Kedoshim are separate and neither Shabbos has a special haftarah.  This happns only *in shanim me'ubarot* when Rosh Hashana is on Shabbat and Marheshvan and Kislev both have 29 days.  This last happened in 5757, and is next scheduled for 5784 -- a gap of 27 years.>>
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