[Mesorah] FW: "artza-Kenaan"'s dageish chazaq

Poppers, Michael MPoppers at kayescholer.com
Fri Oct 22 04:33:21 PDT 2010

> Today I found today in the minchas shai klolei bgdkfs that he brings artza
kenaan as an example of asi meruchik.
> I didn't have time to study and understand it. but felt I should bring it to everyones attention. thank you for your efforts
> TK <
Thank you, RSBA.  I privately sent some Mesorah listmembers (including you) a first draft of a translation of the definitions for "d'chiq" and "asa meirachoq" in Tiqun Simanim (didn't send it to the list 'cuz I didn't translate a few phrases -- those who received it are welcome to tweak it, and I'll be happy to send it offlist to others upon request).  According to what's written there (presumably by R'Reiachi), "artza-K'na'an" is unquestionably an example of "d'chiq."  I've often seen R'Reiachi agree with Minchas Shai, so it would be interesting if he disagrees with MSh on so fundamental a k'lal m'sorah as the classes of exceptions to the elision of dageish qal in BGDKFTh after AHVO. 

In any case, as RDB already noted, the bottom line is the same, whichever class of exception "artza-K'na'an" exemplifies: the chaf has a dageish chazaq. 

A gut'n Shabbes/Shabbas Shalom and all the best from 
-- Michael Poppers via BB pager

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