[Mesorah] Katonti

Poppers, Michael MPoppers at kayescholer.com
Mon Nov 15 17:58:47 PST 2010

RNW wrote:
> I've never seen it printed as 
anything other than a an azla gai-raish (did I get that right?). <
Heidenheim has it w/ a r'vi'i, and Qoren (as is often/always? the case) follows Heidenheim.  IIRC, R'Mordechai Breuer had it w/ an azla -- others may know/recall if this is based on the Leningrad and/or other relatively-reliable mss. 

> what is the significance and/or meaning of the 
dispute (nekudas hamachlokes)? <
In terms of parsing/hierarchy of mafsiqim, azla is not as strong as r'vi'i, so while the zaqeif on "ha'emes" governs the entire phrase, its first break would be at "katonti" if the mafsiq is a r'vi'i and at "hachasadim" if the mafsiq is an azla.  I've heard from those who know such matters that this point argues in favor of azla.  Personally, I prefer r'vi'i because the two main phrases of the pasuq (w/ the second phrase starting after the esnachta) then parallel each other; more significantly in terms of minhag hamaqom, Elizabeth, NJ ba'alei q'riyah are supposed to hew to Qoren, and IIRC, KAJ ba'alei q'riyah hewed to Minhag FFdM/Frankfurt, which at least in this case meant agreeing w/ Heidenheim. 

Hope that helps!  All the best from 
-- Michael Poppers via BB pager

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From: mesorah-bounces at lists.aishdas.org <mesorah-bounces at lists.aishdas.org>
To: Mesorah AishDas List <Mesorah at Lists.AishDas.org>
Sent: Mon Nov 15 20:22:43 2010
Subject: [Mesorah] Katonti

In shul this morning, the ba'al korei read this word at the beginning of 
Parashas Va-yishlach with a rivi'i.  I've never seen it printed as 
anything other than a an azla gai-raish (did I get that right?).  Says 
he has a mesorah from the person who taught him how to lain.

What say you wise Mesorah List members?  And if there be such an 
alternate reading, what is the significance and/or meaning of the 
dispute (nekudas hamachlokes)?

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