[Mesorah] Mishtaleiach

rabbirichwolpoe at gmail.com rabbirichwolpoe at gmail.com
Fri Jan 29 06:31:27 PST 2010

«Re: Roedelheim siddurim with she-nishtalcha instead of 
Heidenheim approved ha-sh'lucha.

I am still amazed that Heidenheim, a Yekke, would allow such 
a thing.»

The Roedelheim Siddur WAS modified after Heidenheim's time

EG the Barachu has the hataf patach which Heidenheim removed in the siddur but Seligmann Baer restored based upon Heidenheim's own masoretic text for Barachu in miqra [EG Hallel]

I don't know how many of Baer's emendations were accepted overall. Some were not 
RWH: uvashvi'i 
Baer: v'hashvi'i ratzissa

This emendation was AFAIK rejected

Good Shabbos
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