[Mesorah] At/Atah

T613K at aol.com T613K at aol.com
Tue Aug 26 11:18:10 PDT 2008

In a message dated 8/26/2008 12:53:01 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time,  
raphaeldavidovich at gmail.com writes:

Adam  spoke something we will call Loshon Kodesh.  The degree to which his  
language resembled the language Moshe Rabbeinu spoke is unclear and  
halachically irrelevant. [--RRD]

"Histakel b'Oraisah uvara alma" -- in what language  was that primordial 
Torah written?  In some language other  than the Torah that we have?  
Proto-Semitic?  Was it, perhaps, not  written at all, but just existed as ideas in the 
Mind of G-d?
[I have to clarify what I mean by "written" or "not written."   Presumably 
Hashem did not use ink and parchment to write the primordial Torah  but it could 
still have been written in the sense of composed in the exact words  and 
order of the Torah that He gave to Moshe Rabeinu -- "letters of black fire  
written on parchment of white fire" -- for an analogy of what I mean, think  of 
Solzhenitsyn who composed his monumental Gulag Archipelago in his head,  reviewed 
and memorized exactly what he had "written" and eventually wrote it  down, 
when he had the opportunity to do so.  This would be analogous to a  Torah 
Shebichtav even before it was actually written on paper.  The  contrast would be 
somebody with a lot of ideas and thoughts in his mind which he  had not yet 
composed into a set form and order -- analogous to the Torah  Shebe'al peh before 
the Talmud was written.  When Hashem looked into the  Torah and created the 
world, was it the same Torah *in the same words* as the  Torah he gave Moshe?  
That's my question.]

--Toby  Katz

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