[Mesorah] vay'an'cha (vayar'ivecha)

Zev Sero zev at sero.name
Sat Aug 16 20:05:11 PDT 2008

Michael Hamm wrote:
> One of the local baale k'ria here pointed out to me that the tikun 
> kor'im "simanim" marks the sh'va under the yod in "vay'an'cha" (Ekev 
> 8:3) as nach, even though there's a meseg under the vav (presumably 
> because there's no dagesh in the yod as there usually is in this form of 
> past- tense verb, e.g. twice in that same pasuk).  Is this correct: that 
> it's nach?  For what it's worth, Minchas Shay says nothing on this word.

I don't know about it being nach (Simanim seems to me to over-nach
things), but if you do pronounce it na` make sure to pronounce it
clearly as a sheva and not a patach, which would make it mean "and
He answered you".

Zev Sero               Something has gone seriously awry with this Court's
zev at sero.name          interpretation of the Constitution.
                       	                          - Clarence Thomas

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