[Mesorah] FW: Eisevei and Meisevei

SBA areivim at sba2.com
Mon Aug 18 20:41:36 PDT 2008

From: Moishe 
Subject: Re: [Mesorah] Eisevei and Meisevei

Thanks for all that. I'll tell you what I knew before all this stuff, and
you'll see that so far I haven't learnt anything new.

The Seder Tanna'im Ve'amora'im (written by one of the Geonim) says that
eisivei is yachid leyachid, while meisivei is rabbim lerabbim. I have found
in Acharonim, however, that eisivei means davka that the Amora who was just
given an answer asked the kasha. See, for example, Zera Yitzchak to Gittin
11b. What I want to know is if anyone has an earlier source for the second
explanation, and whether there are other explanations.


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