[Mesorah] "El Moshe L'emor"

SBA areivim at sba2.com
Tue Aug 5 05:06:34 PDT 2008

I thought that this piece from the sefer Pardes Yosef Hachodosh (Mattos p.
1245) quoting from the Heichal Habrocho (a peirush on the Torah by 
R' Eizikel Komarner zt'l) may be of interest to our medakdekim (a group
that, unfortunately I do not belong to):

Mattos 32:25
"Kol 'el Moshe le'mor' bechol oraysah haLamed degusha, lever min dein 'el
Moshe le'mor' haLamed refuyah... Drosh Achi vekabel sechar".

(The PYH then shows that actually there is a similar case in Korach 18:27) 

It offers an explanation for this, but I don't feel qualified to do the

If you are interested and don't have the sefer, I am happy to send a scan.

SBA sba at sba2.com

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