[Mesorah] two points about n'kudos

Michael Hamm msh210 at math.wustl.edu
Wed Apr 30 09:42:21 PDT 2008

On Wed, 30 Apr 2008, I wrote, in part:
> Over Pesach, I heard a baal k'ria emphasize many of the d'geshim (?) 
> chazakim he read -- though, for some reason, not all of them.  That in 
> itself is not unusual; what is unusual is that he palatized any lamed 
> (and, to a lesser extent, any nun) that had a dagesh.

Let me clarify this (because someone asked me to, off-list).  His lamed 
without a dagesh sounded liek it was made with the tip of his tongue on 
his alveolar ridge.  In emphasizing his lamed d'gusha, he pushed the blade 
of his tongue up so that it was touching a bit behind the alveolar ridge. 
It thus sounded more palatal.  He did the same with a nun, but to a lesser 

Michael Hamm
AM, Math, Wash. U. St. Louis
msh210 at math.wustl.edu                Fine print:
http://www.math.wustl.edu/~msh210/ ... legal.html

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