[Mesorah] saser/seiser

D&E-H Bannett dbnet at zahav.net.il
Tue Sep 4 04:54:05 PDT 2007

The words seiter and basseiter appear many times in the 
Tanakh. The pausal form sater (a.k.a. soser) appears once 
and bassater appears four times.

I don't think that there is a word seter (with six dots), at 
least not in the Tanakh, just as there is no word zekher 
(i.e., in better quality Tanakh). BTW, zeikher appears six 
times and l'zeikher three times.

All the above is by courtesy of the Bar-Ilan Keter CD (which 
I hope qualifies as a better quality Tanakh).

I never heard of seter with segols which is not really a 
proof.  I just asked Even-Shoshan who also never heard of it 
which probably is proof.

As to you question of rules the pe'el words, I, an 
anti-dikduk man,  am not the one to ask.

>From experience it appears to me (without making it into 
rules) that ketel words usually change to chirik or 
patach(shemesh shimshi; nefesh nafshi) and always(?) to 
patach when gronit (eretz artzi; eved avdi).

keitel words change to chirik (seifer sifri; zeikher 
zikhri). When gronit they change to segol as cheilek 
chelki; eimek imki, but sometimes to chirik as eimek imki; 
cheishek chishki.

I don't think this is anything new to you or is any help 
inyour search for rules.



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