[Mesorah] Vesamti Kadkhod

David E Cohen ddcohen at gmail.com
Sun Aug 12 12:49:01 PDT 2007

In yesterday's haftarah, we read, "vesamti kadkhod shimshosayikh"
(Yesha`yahu 54:12).

I would have expected the first kaf to be soft, since the te`amim group it
together with the previous word, "vesamti," which ends with a vowel.  Yet
instead, it has a dageish.

I would have expected the second kaf to have a dageish kal, since it comes
after a sheva nach.  Yet instead, the dagesh is missing, and it is a soft
khaf.  (FWIW, the one other place where this word appears in Tanakh,
Yechezkeil 27:16, the dageish is there as expected.)

Does anybody have an explanation for why it says "vesamti kadkhod" instead
of "vesamti khadkod"?

As an aside, when I opened up my Mikra'os Gedolos (a reprint of one of the
classic editions) to see if perhaps the Radak says anything on the matter
(he doesn't), I found that the text printed there was exactly as I would
have expected it, on both counts -- khadkod!


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