[Mesorah] Vesamti Kadkhod

Dov Bloom dovb at netvision.net.il
Sun Aug 12 08:09:59 PDT 2007

I am fairly certain that this unusual case has to do with the ga'aya on the dalet of the first syllable.

I am happy to give an opinion on Teamin or even pasekim, but ga'ayot are a closed book to me.  

Perhaps DB the elder can enlighten us.

If anyone understands Ga'ayot, or is somewhat less of an am-ha'aretz about ga'ayot than I am, here are some references:

1) Yeivin in Mavoh La'Mesora HaTverianit discusses ga'ayot and says that this is a phonetic ga'aya as opposed to a musical ga'aya (Section 214?). Yeivin will claim this ga'aya does not make the shva a na', it is still a shva nach.
 This is too bad, because if the shva was na', then we might more easily understand why the first Kaf is dagush and the second rafe 

2) I saw Baer quoted as saying the Ga'aya can come if the second syllable starts with a BGD-KFT or a Gronit (as it does here)

3) Breuer has a category called "Ga'aya  Keveida lo sedira"  which this seems to fall into.

4) The Minhat Shai has a whole "maamar ha-maarich"which takes about shvaim and ga'ayot

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