[Mesorah] Shalom Aleikhem

Elazar M. Teitz remt at juno.com
Tue Oct 24 22:27:31 PDT 2006

     "Shalom Aleichem" as a greeting (more accurately, as sh'eilas 
shalom) is found in six places in Yerushalmi, according to the Snunit 
search engine.  One of them, in B'rachos Perek 2, Halacha 7, is 
obviously addressed to more than one person.  The other five 
occurrences are all essentially the same quote, of which the most 
accurate girsa, according to the P'nei Moshe, is in Avodah Zarah 
Perek 4, Halacha 10.  While not explicit, it would appear to be 
referring even to a single Jew (as opposed to a non-Jew, to whom a 
different form is used, not mentioning the word "shalom").


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