[Avodah] A Complete Unknown?

Joel Rich joelirarich at gmail.com
Wed Mar 19 23:20:19 PDT 2025

I had the opportunity to take in the Robert Zimmerman/Bob Dylan Movie “a
complete unknown”. (We can discuss going to movies in general, and those
with music or inappropriate behavior, off-line)

Of course, this experience triggered memories of my misspent youth,
although the readers of the audio round up will know that I from time to
time employ some of the lyrics, which are on point to some very important
concepts. (e.g. wheels still in spin, the old order is rapidly changing and
your sons and daughters are beyond your command.)
The movie got me thinking about the picture painted by the screenwriter of
someone who seemed to be running away from his past and not actually sure
where he was going to (HT-Tambourine man).

I could not help thinking about R’YBS’s presentation of repentance from
fear(myira) versus repentance from love (ahava). Often the former is
associated with trying to cut oneself off totally from their past, whereas
the latter is building on the past, even if it was sinful (haalat hacheit).
The former may mean the sins are forgiven but the latter can turn them into
zchuyot. I’d be interested in knowing how many people who cut themselves
off from their past are successful in their tshuva versus those who try to
build on it. I try to be in the latter group and use those experiences of
my early years to propel me forward when I need a push to overcome my
natural laziness. I’d be interested in others' experiences.

Bsorot tovot

Joel Rich
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