[Avodah] Asher Nassi YaChaTa
Rabbi Meir G. Rabi
meirabi at gmail.com
Mon Mar 17 17:03:37 PDT 2025
Vayyikra 4:22 - Rashi; Ashrei HaDor SheHaNassi Nosen Leiv LeHavi Chattos Al
It is a 'lucky' community, whose leader is attentive to bringing a Sin
Offering for his inadvertent sin
Kal VeChomer SheMisCharet Al ZedonoSov
He will certainly regret his deliberate violations
What is the KVeChomer
A Nassi forgets it is Shabbos, he writes some Chiddusheu Torah, so he
brings a Sin Offering
It is embarrassing because he is not accorded the camouflage of a regular
fellow whose Chattos is BeMakom HaOlah
The Nassi brings a special Chattos - it is obvious to all that he has sinned
It takes courage because after all there are no witnesses to his
he might just conveniently forget about it.
Now the same Nassi is having a bad day
He is upset with HKBH and CHOOSES to violate Shabbos, Nebech
[Would we be happy to have such a person as our Nassi?
Imagine a Rosh Yeshivah, or at the Kenessiah Gedolah a well respected Rov
publicly admits to ....
or even admits to doing so BeShoggeg]
The Meizid violation is also without witnesses,
but he is not making any public declaration
he is just expressing regret privately
What is the KVeChomer
and why is the community lucky to have such a leader?
Do Chazal mean this community is MORE lucky
than the community that has a leader that does NOT sin?
Nossen Lev I suggested means 'is attentive'
Is that not an unusual perspective?
Why not just omit those two words
Ashrei HaDor SheHaNassi Mevi Chattos Al Sheggagosoi
Meir G. Rabi
0423 207 837
+61 423 207 837
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