[Avodah] Mincha

Micha Berger micha at aishdas.org
Fri Oct 11 11:37:09 PDT 2024

This morning, at 9:59am EDT, I wrote:
> On Fri, Oct 11, 2024 at 08:38:39AM -0400, Joel Rich wrote:
> > How do you think the various prayers got their names? This doesn't
> > fully satisfy me.
> I think it's just a time marker. The afternoon Minchah was a daily
> mandatory qorban immediately before the Tamid shel Bein haArbayim. (Just
> as the morning Minchah was immediately after that Tamid.)

As more indication that the tefillah names are time markers...

Maariv is a reshus (to the extent that it is) because it commemorates
the Eivarim. Since those were offered only if there were leftovers, the
tefillah continuation of them is also not fully mandatory. (In practice,
there would alway be Eivarim. There had to be nearly every day there
was avodah more qorbanos than time and space on the Mizbeiach.)

And yet we call it Arvis / Maariv after the Tamid. Which fits the same
theory -- we are calling it "the prayer [at the time of the] Evening
[Tamid]". Just as I am suggesting that we call the earlier prayer "the
prayer [at the time of the] Pancake Offering".

GCT and :-)@@ii!

Micha Berger                 How wonderful it is that
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