[Avodah] Women kaddish
Meir Shinnar
chidekel at mail.gmail.com
Fri Sep 27 11:33:35 PDT 2024
> In contrast, REMT wrote on these "pages" that the only heter for
> having multiple aveilim saying Qaddish is that saying Qaddish pushed
> the avel to show up for minyan. Many men who were lacksidasical minyan
> attendees started attending 3 times a day during aveilus, and keep on
> going afterward.
> Which means that since women aren't obligated to attend minyan, would
> REMT allow a woman to be another Qaddish zogger if there are others?
> (I'm BCC-ing, and we will see if he replies.)
When I was at Princeton in the mid 70s, Rav Pinchas Teitz z"l was the
posek. Issue came up in the Yavneh minyan -- he said a woman could say
kaddish as long as a man also said it( which was also rad Henkin z'"l '
shita). As we had at the time no yetomim, he said that someone could say
kaddish so the woman could also say kaddish IF they would get permission
from their parents -- but that he would recommend against giving that
Nothing was said that this would be in the men's section
My understanding is that RYBS allowed women to say kaddish even if they
were the only one -- and (IIRC), in Maimonides they said it from the
women's section
RYH Henkin (the BB) IIRC has a related argument related to mechitza
and kaddish -- he argues that in communities where the mechitza is
floor to ceiling(like many Hungarian ones), the women's section is a
separate reshut -- which is part of their opposition to mechitza. Men
who sit in the women's section would also be excluded. However, in the
communities where the mechitza is not quite so complete a separation,
the women's section is not a completely separate reshut -- and women
may say kaddish....
The question to my mind is whether the minhag of Vilna of women coming to
the men's section is due to that they shouldn't say it in the women's
section -- or that if they did it in the women's section in Vilna,
no one would know and answer amen.....
Meir Shinnar
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