[Avodah] Toras Chayim veAhavas Chessed

Micha Berger micha at aishdas.org
Sun Sep 22 07:51:45 PDT 2024

I want to ask a subtle question about the meaning of one part of Sim Shalom.

Are we saying that Hashem gave us (1) Toras Chayim, (2) veAhavas Chessed,
(3) uTzedaqah, (4) uVerakhah, (5) veRachamim, (6) veChayim, (7) veShalom

or that Hashem gave us a Torah of (1) Chayim, (2) veAhavas Chessed,
(3) uTzedaqah...

Is (eg) Ahavas Chessed something Hashem gave us as a separate gift, or
a second property of a list of adjectives for the Torah He gave us?

And if the former, why does this list differ from the opening one -- they
both have Shalom, Berakhah, Chessed, although in a different sequence,
but why does one have Tovah and Chein, while the other has Tzedaqah,
Rachamim and Chayim? And why Chessed vs Ahavas Chessed?

It would seem the first list are berakhos in how Hashem treats us, and
the latter are things He taught us to do for others. And that would explain
why the first list is six items -- we get peace in this world in 6 -- but
the second list has seven -- since it is about living peacefully, not getting

Although that could be true whether these are descriptions of the Torah
or descriptions of 7 distinct berakhos.

What do you think?

Tir'u baTov!

Micha Berger                 Friendship is like stone. A stone has no value,
http://www.aishdas.org/asp   but by rubbing one stone against another,
Author: Widen Your Tent      sparks of fire emerge. 
- https://amzn.to/2JRxnDF                - Rav Mordechai of Lechovitz

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