[Avodah] Kamtza /Bar Kamtza:

Joel Rich joelirarich at gmail.com
Tue Sep 17 17:36:12 PDT 2024

Response to a piece on Kamtza /Bar Kamtza:
The interesting question to me is whether there is self-awareness. If
your analysis of R. Zechariah b. Avkulas is correct, was he aware of the
deeper personality issue (paralysis of inappropriate humility) or did he
convince himself that the reasons he gave for his inaction(Offering up a
blemished animal could lead future generations to say that this is
permitted, and killing Bar Kamta could lead to a belief that blemishing a
sacrificial animal is punishable by death) were his true drivers, I would
suspect that it’s the former and, if so, wonder how you convince anybody to
step outside themselves and realize that they are rationalization a deeper
personality issue. This is especially true for leaders who are put on a
pedestal IMHO. Thoughts?
KVCT and Bsorot Tovot
Joel Rich
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