[Avodah] Mamzeirim Not an Issue - Eventually they are lost in the population & Ben PeKuAh

Danny Schoemann doniels at gmail.com
Mon Aug 19 11:52:39 PDT 2024

Re Ben PeKuAh:
I don't see anybody referring to the Bartenura (on the Rishonim/Achronim
border) who says on the Mishna in Chulin 4:5 that we pasken like Chachomim
(against Rebbi Shimon who says that even an 8 year old Ben PeKuAh doesn't
need shechita).

In which case, l'Halocho, (as per R' A. B.) once the Ben PeKuAh has stepped
on the ground, it needs kosher Shechita.

- Danny, finishing round 39 of Shas Mishnayoth.
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