[Avodah] (no subject)

Rabbi Meir G. Rabi meirabi at gmail.com
Thu May 9 07:19:16 PDT 2024

Toby Katz responding to my post, re Kitniyot during Pesach,
wrote that corn and peanuts are both New World foods
They were unknown at the time the Kitniyos ban was promulgated

Furthermore they ought not be included just as potatoes are not banned on
even though potato flour can be cooked and baked like Chamets,
but as a New World food
and also because they became a staple, without which actual starvation
would have been a danger.

This may all be true
but was not the point of my post

My point is that
the Kitniyoy Ban NEVER applied
but to foods that were actually COOKED like porridge
If they were NOT COOKED
even if they may have a type that would sometimes be cooked
it was not included in the ban

So fresh peas, sugar snaps etc are not banned
UNLESS they are cooked, a Tavshil

The Shulchan Aruch HaRav does not even mention BAKING
In fact he deliberately chose to abandon BAKING which is mentioned in the


Meir G. Rabi

0423 207 837
+61 423 207 837
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