[Avodah] Popcorn et al on Pesach

Micha Berger micha at aishdas.org
Mon Apr 22 12:15:29 PDT 2024

On Sat, Apr 20, 2024 at 08:50:56PM +0300, Michael Mirsky via Avodah wrote:
> Here in Israel, a well known Dati-Leumi Rav Rabbi Levanon paskened that a
> particular brand of rice cakes may be eaten by Ashkenzim on Pesach because
> he examined the factory in which they are made and a no point does water
> come in contact with the rice.  See
> https://www.kosharot.co.il/index2.php?id=413768&lang=HEB in Hebrew.

This assumes the minhag is to treat qitniyos like one of the five grains,
and not like a pre-dough mixture.

R Melameid is meiqil (9:6) but he does note that there are machmirim.
Those who are meiqil also include Shulchan Arukh haRav 453:5, and the
Chayei Adam (127:1). However, the Sho'el uMeishiv 1:1:175 and Maamar
Mordechai (#32) are machmir. They argue that since we aren't talking
about things that actually become chameitz, whether or not they are wet,
nevermind wet long enough for a grain to become chameitz, is irrelevant.

(Then the footnote continues to discuss a macholqes rishonim about
whether scalding would works for qitniyos, if we still knew how to do
it. See the SA OC 454:3.)


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