[Avodah] 2 Qs re Tochacha - Ongoing Forever; Diff Degree of Tochachah for Different Situations

Rabbi Meir G. Rabi meirabi at gmail.com
Tue Mar 12 23:30:44 PDT 2024

The duty to provide guidance and correction is described in the Torah -
HoCheAch ToChiAch

Chazal explain, the repetitive terminology indicates 'even one thousand
Why is this necessary? If one checks numerous Esrogim or blows countless
Tekios, and all are Passul, might one think that the duty no longer exists?

If I alone witness someone, a Frum Yid, damaging property and verify that
compensation has not been paid, need I continue, perhaps forever, to
reprimand until he pays? or until he insults, curses or is prepared to hit

Is it the same if he has insulted someone and has refused to request and
gain Mechilah? or perhaps since he is no longer engaging in that behaviour,
one need not continue to offer Tochacha?


Meir G. Rabi

0423 207 837
+61 423 207 837
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