[Avodah] What is it that HKBH asks of us - Students Teachers Acceptance Arguments Chanufa etc.

Marty Bluke marty.bluke at gmail.com
Wed Jan 3 23:38:06 PST 2024

The Maharal was talking about Halacha seforim like the shulchan aruch which
give you the bottom line Halacha with no reasons. That is the difference
between those and the Gemara. The Gemara doesn’t just give you bottom line
Halacha it goes through the whole process of derivation, explanations,
questions and answers. If you just learn something like Rambam or shulchan
aruch you will know what to do but you have no idea why, how it works etc.
Likewise, if a case comes before you that is not in the Sefer you are
helpless, you have no tools to answer the question. That was the maharls
main objection.
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