[Avodah] Amora Differing with Tanna
Zvi Lampel
zvilampel at gmail.com
Mon Oct 16 08:48:30 PDT 2023
> On Mon, Oct 16, 2023 at 3:12 AM Marty Bluke <marty.bluke at gmail.com> wrote:
>> The Kesef Mishna there gives a much simpler answer. He says that even
>> though technically they could argue they felt that they were on a lower
>> level and therefore agreed not to argue on the Tannaim.
> ZL:
How then did the Amora Rebbi Yochanan argue with the Tanna Rebbi Oshiya?
> That was the question.
> BTW, whereas the Kessef Mishna proposes the Amoraim agreed not to argue on
> the Tannaim, he does not say it's because they felt they were on a lower
> level. That's the Chazon Ish's proposal.
> Zvi Lampel
On Mon, Oct 16, 2023 at 11:26 AM Marty Bluke <marty.bluke at gmail.com> wrote:
> Rav Elchanan Wasserman in Kovetz Shiurim (Bava Basra 633) quotes the
> following in the name of Rav Chaim Soloveitchik
> This question I asked my teacher R*’ Chaim Brisker and* he answered,
> “That in truth an Amora has the power to disagree with a Tanna. This that
> we regularly find the Talmud rejecting the views of an Amora by simply
> showing that a Tanna rejects it – that is because as a general rule an
> Amora did not disagree with a Tanna. So if the Amora only knew the view of
> the Tanna we assume he would not disagree with it. However where we see
> that an Amora explicitly disagrees with a Tanna it is possible that the
> final halacha is in agreement with the Amora.”
> This would seem to be based on the Kesef Mishna.
Kessef Mishna: "they agreed not to argue on the Tannaim."
R' Elchanan b'sheim R' Chaim Brisker: "...we see that an Amora explicitly
disagrees with a Tanna..."
Yerushalmi on Peah 2:4 : R. Yochanan tells his talmidim not to dismiss any
hard-to-explain mishna on the grounds that it may be one of the many
halachos received from Sinai that are embedded in the Mishna. So how does
R. Yochanan argue with R. Oshiya?
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