Micha Berger micha at aishdas.org
Fri Sep 22 11:54:08 PDT 2023

On Thu, Sep 21, 2023 at 07:08:49PM -0500, Brent Kaufman via Avodah wrote:
> We need to differentiate between Kaparah, which is translated as atonement,
> and Slichah and Mechilah, which mean forgiveness.
> Forgiveness means that the One/one offended by the transgression no longer
> harbors animosity towards the transgressor for what was done.
> However, even after forgiveness is given/attained there is still spiritual
> damage caused by the transgression, to the soul of the sinner.
> Kaparah/atonement is the removal of that spiritual damage that was done to
> the soul. That is what Kaparah accomplishes.

The Avudraham has:

Selichah is forgiving a loan. It gets one out of the onesh.

Mechilah is forgiving a wrong. It heals a relationship.

Kaparah is a cover, like on the aron. Or the kofer (pitch) put on wood
to waterproof it, or the kefor of frost atop the mon. It contains the
cause of the sin.

(Then taharah is its actual elimination, leaving a soul as pure as the
menorah's "zahav tahor". "Ki bayom hazeh yekhapeir aleikhem letaheir

Whereas RSRH has the order in descending magnitude: selichah is the full
repair of the sin, whereas kapparah is containment of the punishment.

GCT and :-)@@ii!

Micha Berger                 Problems are not stop signs,
http://www.aishdas.org/asp   they are guidelines.
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