[Avodah] AI and Jewish Law

Broyde, Michael mbroyde at emory.edu
Thu Sep 7 07:37:15 PDT 2023


Thank you for your comments.  A better link to the paper can be found here: https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=4520100

I welcome comments by anyone, and please email me if you wish.

I do not think that "how LLM think" is relevant to examining "what they think," actually and different people think in different ways.

I would welcome a real discussion of pro-forma requirements for psak and being a posek.  Some of these issues are addressed in the last few pages of the paper but they do need more.


Michael J. Broyde
 Professor of Law, School of Law

 Director, SJD Program, School of Law

 Berman Projects Director, Center for the Study of Law and Religion
Emory University School of Law
1301 Clifton Road, Atlanta, GA 30322
Voice: 404-727-7546; Email: mbroyde at emory.edu; Cell and Whatsapp: 917-208-5011.

Emory home page: http://law.emory.edu/faculty-and-scholarship/faculty-profiles/broyde-profile.html

Personal blog as well as archive of books, articles, chapters, videos and posts: https://www.broydeblog.net/

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