[Avodah] The Wise Son vs the Wicked Son and the word ''you''

Brent Kaufman cbkaufman at gmail.com
Wed Apr 19 21:06:51 PDT 2023

>>It doesn't read like that. He is
>>belittling the idea of performing the avodah by asking "What is this to

I think you are reading the 'belittling' part into the question where it
isn't there. We've all been conditioned by the inference of the drasha and
the years of being taught "it's in his tone", as if that were at all
relevant in a text.

A number of years ago I offered this answer to the question: How do we know
he's a rasha? The reason we know he's a rasha is only because the narrator
tells us that he is. No one walks around with a sign saying where we stand
in HKBH's eyes; and we don't get to darshen the words of others, let alone
children's. People often word things imprecisely, even when trying to say
something good. Only an author can tell you the nature of their character

Chaimbaruch Kaufman


*“Bill, strange things are afoot at the Circle-K.”-Theodore/Ted Logan, Esq.*
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