[Avodah] codes and organization:

Joel Rich joelirarich at gmail.com
Tue Jun 27 20:34:05 PDT 2023

Comment to a magid shiur concerning codes and organization:

Keep in mind please that my comments are not constrained by any formal
knowledge (that’s a true general statement!)

I completely agree about the Rambam being a master organizer, the ability
to intake all of the oral and written law and output an organized, concise
code is beyond my comprehension.

I have an intuitive sense that having started with the sefer hamitzvot for
the mishna torah blueprint, his specific rulings were consciously made in
the context of their impact on every other ruling in the MT. I almost think
of it as an artificial intelligence with an almost infinite number of
nodes. (AI psak is another fascinating topic)

I’m sure the Tur was also aware of all the TSBP but I wonder if it’s in any
way similar to what some commentators think that Rashi was primarily
concerned about the specific page in front of him, versus Tosfot who were
concerned about coherence of the entire corpus of TSBP.

Of course, I can’t prove any of that. It’s just a gut feeling. Your

Joel Rich
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