[Avodah] Of Bullseyes, the Korban Cheesecake, and Dairy Bread".

Prof. L. Levine llevine at stevens.edu
Thu May 18 09:34:29 PDT 2023



Interestingly, having cheesecake on Shavuos is one minhag with which many non-practicing Jews are stringent! Have you ever met someone who turned down a piece of cheesecake? But where does this time-honored traditional custom of consuming cheesecake on Shavuos come from?

Korban Cheesecake?!

It seems that one of the earliest mentions of such a minhag is by the great Rema, Rav Moshe Isserles, the authoritative decisor for all Ashkenazic Jewry, who cites the ‘prevailing custom’ of eating dairy items specifically on Shavuos (OrachChaim 494, 3). Although there are many rationales and reasons opined through the ages to explain this custom[1]<https://ohr.edu/5154#_edn1>, the Rema himself provides an enigmatic one, to be a commemoration of the special Korban, the Shtei HaLechem[2]<https://ohr.edu/5154#_edn2> (Two Loaves) offered exclusively on Shavuos during the times of the BeisHamikdash.

See the above URL for much more.

Professor Yitzchok Levine
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