[Avodah] Pie Crusts, Pas Palter, and the Aseres Yemei Teshuva

Prof. L. Levine llevine at stevens.edu
Thu Sep 29 14:05:23 PDT 2022

The following are excerpts from https://ohr.edu/this_week/insights_into_halacha/4893

A neighborhood housewife recently asked if I would be able to help her understand why some of her relatives did not partake of her dessert specialty, pareve ice cream pie, on the previous Shabbos. I asked her if the pie crust was Pas Yisrael. She said it was not, but as far as she knew, these relatives were not stringent with that halacha,rather relying on the common leniencies (see below). I explained to her that even so, Shabbos changes everything! But, to properly understand why, some background is in order.

A neighborhood housewife recently asked if I would be able to help her understand why some of her relatives did not partake of her dessert specialty, pareve ice cream pie, on the previous Shabbos. I asked her if the pie crust was Pas Yisrael. She said it was not, but as far as she knew, these relatives were not stringent with that halacha,rather relying on the common leniencies (see below). I explained to her that even so, Shabbos changes everything! But, to properly understand why, some background is in order.


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