[Avodah] The Performing Kiddush Prior to Tekiyas Shofar Puzzle

Prof. L. Levine llevine at stevens.edu
Thu Sep 22 07:12:55 PDT 2022



Picture, if you will, the hallowed halls of almost any Yeshivah, almost anywhere in the world, on Rosh Hashanah morning. As the strains of Shiras Chanah conclude, followed by the post-Haftarah brachos, there suddenly is a loud bang on the Bimah and the Gabbai calls out “Kiddush!” Most of those assembled take a break for a quick Kiddush and then return for the day’s main Mitzvah - the Tekiyas Shofar, the Blowing of the Shofar. The recitings of ‘Lamnatzeach’ soon reach a crescendo, not unlike a deafening roar, as the congregation eagerly anticipates and prepares for the Shofar Blowing.

Although this is indeed the common custom in almost every Yeshivah, curiously, the idea of making Kiddush and eating prior to the main Mitzvah of the day is considered an anathema to some. In fact, the Matteh Efraim, who is considered the authority on issues relating to the Yomim Nora’im, writes that it is actually prohibited to eat before Tekiyas Shofar, barring if one is weak, and, even only then, a small ‘Te’imah’, tasting of food, in private, is allowed.[1]<https://ohr.edu/6500#_edn1> If so, why do so many make Kiddush[2]<https://ohr.edu/6500#_edn2> and eat before Tekiyas Shofar?

See the above URL for much more.

If you will be in Brooklyn for RH, I invite you to daven with the Young Israel of Avenue J Hashkama Minyan that starts at 7:15 and will end no later than 11:30. If you join us, you will be able to go home and make kiddush well before Chatzos.

This minyan meets in the Bais Medrash which is downstairs.

Professor Yitzchok Levine

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