[Avodah] milchama

Joel Rich joelirarich at gmail.com
Tue Aug 2 14:52:59 PDT 2022

The Rambam (Malachim 5:2) codifies the Mishna (Sanhedrin 20b) “umotzi
lmilchemet hareshut al pi bet din shel shivim vechad” When studying this, I
wondered what criteria bet din would use to approve the war. I was
surprised to find that Rashi (Brachot 3b) {the court prays} and Maharsha
(Sanhedrin 16a) (they clarify halachic issues in war) do not see it as a
consent function. Do you assume that other authorities (other than
chidushei hararn who agrees there’s no consent function) think it’s a
consent function? If so, what are the criteria that Sanhedrin should use in
deciding whether to consent? Also why then is kibbush yachid so different
in result than kibbush rabim (see hilchot mlachim 5:6)
Joel Rich
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