[Avodah] Yaysay v'Yaychol

Zev Sero zev at sero.name
Mon Apr 4 17:48:52 PDT 2022

On 3/4/22 11:05, Zvi Lampel via Avodah wrote:
> I checked this out in Sefaria, and that's what the Maasei Nissim
> commentary says, but I'm puzzled.
> His answer seems to include that "Vayifsach" is not meant literally as
> eating the real korban Pesach (and thus making chabura formation
> unnecessary). "Vaiffsach" merely means "eating the meal we have in galus
> in commemoration of the meal that included the korban Pesach." But if so,
> the whole explanation of this being a Kinah is unnecessary to account
> for how we can invite anyone who was not registered for the chaburah.

Haynu hach.  "Since merov chata'enu we are not having a proper korban 
pesach but only a pseudo-pesach with no restrictions on who may attend, 
you may as well come and join us if you need to.  We wish we weren't 
able to invite you, because we'd be eating a korban pesach, but since we 
aren't, welcome."

Zev Sero            Wishing you a happy and kosher Pesach, and a
zev at sero.name       healthy season appropriate to your hemisphere

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