[Avodah] Yaysay v'Yaychol

Zvi Lampel zvilampel at mail.gmail.com
Sun Apr 3 08:05:49 PDT 2022

[Notice this exchange was back in 2020. -micha]

From: Micha Berger <micha at aishdas.org>
Date: Mon, 20 Apr 2020 16:28:42 -0400
> On Sat, Apr 04, 2020 at 10:06:22PM -0400, Akiva Miller via Avodah wrote:
>> Kol dichfin, yaysay v'yaychol!
>> All who are hungry, come and eat!
>> ... odd and awkward to invite a guest to the meal after we've already
>> said Kiddush.

> Again, all the more so for veyifsach -- inviting people after the chaburah
> was formed and the qorban was even shechted.

>> ... "Haggada Berurah"...
>>      authored by Hanan Minkowich in 5752 [cites Maasei Nissim that]:

>>> Ha Lachma Anya is a sort of Kinah, which was established in Bavel as a
>>> kiyum of "Im Lo Aaleh Es Yerushalayim Al Rosh Simchasi." When the Beis
>>> Hamikdash stood, the Korban Pesach was eaten only by those who had signed
>>> up for it, which does not apply today. So we are m'konen, we lament that
>>> this is merely poor bread; anyone can come and eat it, for we have no
>>> Korban Pesach to sign up for. And then, before continuing with the Story,
>>> we have the consolation that "This year we are here, next year etc etc"

> Seems muchrakh.

I checked this out in Sefaria, and that's what the Maasei Nissim
commentary says, but I'm puzzled.

His answer seems to include that "Vayifsach" is not meant literally as
eating the real korban Pesach (and thus making chabura formation
unnecessary). "Vaiffsach" merely means "eating the meal we have in galus
in commemoration of the meal that included the korban Pesach." But if so,
the whole explanation of this being a Kinah is unnecessary to account
for how we can invite anyone who was not registered for the chaburah.

Zvi Lampel

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