[Avodah] Wedding Attendance During Your Part of Sefira

Zev Sero zev at sero.name
Thu May 12 23:44:40 PDT 2022

On 12/5/22 15:43, Micha Berger via Avodah wrote:
> Unless one is from Frankfurt (see MB 493:15, quoting Siddur Derekh
> haChaim) or Vienna (Be'rei Heiteiv 493:3, quoting the Or Zarua), allowing
> a wedding the night of Lag baOmer is recent.

Or unless one is a chassid (unless you're including that in "recent"). 
Chassidim begin the celebration of Lag Ba'omer from the evening -- and 
therefore omit tachanun at the preceding mincha -- because they 
emphasize the simcha of Rashbi rather than the cessation of aveilus for 
talmidei Rabbi Akiva.

Zev Sero            Wishing you a healthy season appropriate
zev at sero.name       to your hemisphere

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