[Avodah] Wedding Attendance During Your Part of Sefira

Zev Sero zev at sero.name
Thu May 12 16:20:33 PDT 2022

On 12/5/22 09:31, Prof. L. Levine via Avodah wrote:
> There was a time when the Kallah was brought to the men's side of the 
> hall, she sat down next to her Chasan, and men danced in front of them. 
> In many circles this is no longer done today.

In those circles where it is not done today it was never done.

> The above says, "those who have a different /minhag/ may certainly dance 
> and celebrate together with the /chasan/ and /kallah/."  This does not 
> happen if the chason  and kallah remain on their sides of the mechitzah 
> throughout the entire wedding.

That's ridiculous.  The mitzvah is to celebrate with either one of them, 
not only both.

>  Dare one suggest that not having the 
> kallah come to the men's side of hall is not proper?

One may suggest anything one likes, but one would be incorrect, lechol 
hade'os.  Those who never had this custom of bringing the kallah to the 
men's side, and still don't have it, are acting completely properly, and 
it is a chutzpah to claim they are not.  Especially if you would take 
offense at their suggesting that your custom is improper.

Zev Sero            Wishing you a healthy season appropriate
zev at sero.name       to your hemisphere

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