[Avodah] Those Whose Halakhic Status Is Questionable

Zev Sero zev at sero.name
Sun Mar 6 23:33:42 PST 2022

On 6/3/22 03:41, Toby Katz via Avodah wrote:
> The churban and the loss of the BHM'K was traumatizing but it's hard
> to imagine that replacing korbanos with tefila was such a revolutionary
> change. Davening was always part of Jews' daily life wherever they were,

Indeed it was, but it was not seen as substituting for korbanos. 
Tefilah was tefilah and korbanos were korbanos, and the idea that they 
were interchangeable must have seemed as strange as the idea that 
tefillin and tzitzis are interchangeable would seem to us.  One must 
wear both tefillin and tzitzis, and one must daven and bring korbanos. 
But post-churban we moved to the idea that by davening we were keeping 
not just the mitzvah of tefilah but also that of korbanos, and that must 
have seemed revolutionary.

Zev Sero            Wishing everyone health, wealth, and
zev at sero.name       happiness in 2022

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