[Avodah] If there is a chosson present at the Shul’s shalosh seudos, should Sheva Berachos be recited?

Prof. L. Levine llevine at stevens.edu
Tue Jan 25 07:27:08 PST 2022

>From Today's OU Kosher Halacha Yomis

Q. If there is a chosson present at the Shul’s shalosh seudos, should Sheva Berachos be recited?

A. One of the requirements to be able to recite Sheva Berachos is that the meal was prepared in honor of the chosson and kallah (Orchos Chaim – Hilchos Birkas Hamazon 61). Regarding a Shul’s shalosh seudos this is not the case. The meal is prepared each week for the members of the shul, whether or not there will be a chosson present. If the members of the shul added extra foods in honor of the Sheva Berachos, then this would qualify (Teshuvos V’Hanhagos 1:749). Another requirement is that the meal be prepared in honor of both the chosson and the kallah. If it was known that the kallah was not going to attend the shalosh seudos then sheva berachos cannot be said. However, Rav Belsky zt”l (Shulchan HaLevi 27:25) writes that if the meal was prepared in honor of the chosson and kallah, and the kallah was supposed to attend but was delayed and did not show up, Sheva Berachos may be said so long as the chosson is present.

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