[Avodah] Repeating during davening

Micha Berger micha at aishdas.org
Tue Dec 7 07:13:33 PST 2021

The AhS OC 338:8 gets from hil' Shabbos to chazanim by finding a limud
zekhus for the fact that "ba'avonoseinu harabbim" so many use tuning
forks on Shabbos.

Near the end of the se'if he learns out from the issur of repeating
Shema the implication that if it's not Shema (I would add: or Modim),
repetitions are allowed.

That said, he has a problem with the whole turning tefillah into a drawn
out performance, which he takes for granted is a distraction from the
primary goal. "Maybe in truth there is no prohibition in it, but it
is good before G-d to flee from it. And we came lilmod zekhus on the
zera qodesh, whose eyes are sealed."

Shu"t Chevel Nachalaso 12:3 (R Yaakov Epstein b. 1954, Machon haTorah
vehaAretz) has a nice collection of sources.

Shu"t Mahara"m Shiq #31 -- you don't stop him mid-tefillah, but kol hamosif
    goreia, so you must teach him to stop. He spells out five reasons
    1- Bal tosif
    2- Dovrei sheqer (depending on what the resulting phrase means or implies)
    3- Hefseq, as the repetion is zemer in the middle of tefillah
    4- Asa'uni banekha kelei zemer (the ban against turning Shir haShirim into
       song lyrics)
    5- Haqriveihu lefechasekha (would you talk to a human kind that way?)

IM OC 2:22 -- who as is typical, holds like the AhS

Yabia Omer 6 OC 7.4 -- who quotes the same gemara as the AhS but is
    medayeiq that even repeating other words is problematic, if
    not quasi-heretical. He lemaaseh holds like the Maharam Shiq,
    that it's not like repeating Shema, but it's still (in his words)
    "kemislotzeitz umesacheiq bemilim".

On Tue, Dec 07, 2021 at 02:16:29AM -0500, Zev Sero via Avodah wrote:
> On 6/12/21 22:05, Michael Poppers via Avodah wrote:
>> no /oveid avodah zarah/would say "Echad" to each of multiple entities.

> The dominant avoda zara in this country does exactly that.

I consider one popular tune to the pasuq of Zekhariah said after
Aleinu* particularly Xian:

    Vehayah H' leMelekh al kol ha'aretz
    bayom hahu, bayom hahu
    yihyeh H' echad
    ushemo, ushemo, ushemo echad.

Their religion has a god with three names (ushemo x 3) who allegedly
comes to earth twice (bayom hahu bayom hahu). Not ours.

I describe the pasuq as after Aleinu instead of as part of Aleinu because
it's later than Yehoshua. How could A"l K"en N"ekaveh be attributed to
Yehoshua at Ai after Akhan's identification and teshuvah, even if you
take that attribution midrashically, if it contains a verse from more
than 8 centuries later?

The Gra didn't say the pasuq daily. He considered it accidentally borrowed
from the 10 pesuqim of Malkhios.

Tir'u baTov!

Micha Berger                 Good decisions come from experience;
http://www.aishdas.org/asp   Experience comes from bad decisions.
Author: Widen Your Tent                   - Djoha, from a Sepharadi fable
- https://amzn.to/2JRxnDF

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