[Avodah] Can One Take In Shavuot Early?

allan.engel at gmail.com allan.engel at gmail.com
Wed May 12 06:38:39 PDT 2021

The issue with this particular practice is that it is based on an 'drasha'
on a word in a passuk that was never darshened until relatively recently,
and new drashas on pessukim have been outlawed since the era of the amoraim.

On Wed, 12 May 2021, 13:38 Akiva Miller via Avodah, <
avodah at lists.aishdas.org> wrote:

> There are many practices that are not discussed in the Gemara and
> Rishonim, and did not surface until the days of the Acharonim, just as
> there are many practices that are not discussed in the Gemara and did not
> surface until the days of the Rishonim. Why do some people have the
> attitude that there is a cutoff point beyond which halacha can no longer
> develop?
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