[Avodah] The chiyuv hishtadlus of parents for children

Marty Bluke marty.bluke at gmail.com
Wed May 12 09:31:49 PDT 2021

Rav Slifkin quoted a psak from Rav Zilberstein (
parents have no chiyuv to wake up sleeping children when the air raid siren
goes off and take them to a shelter. His reasoning is that going to a
shelter is hishtadlus and children have no chiyuv hishtadlus.

I don’t understand this at all. If he is right, we shouldn’t take children
to the doctor either, that is also hishtadlus. We also wouldn’t need to
watch that they don’t do anything dangerous, that is also hishtadlus. Yet,
I never heard of anyone who doesn’t take their children to the doctor when
they are sick. What am I missing?
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