[Avodah] Reciting Hamotzi at a Simcha

Micha Berger micha at aishdas.org
Mon Mar 8 10:15:24 PST 2021

On Sun, Mar 07, 2021 at 11:32:58AM -0500, Prof. Levine via Avodah wrote:
> At 11:15 AM 3/7/2021, Micha Berger wrote:
> Again,  you have missed my main point,  which is that Hamotzi should
> preferably be made sitting not standing...

This was the main point of the OU Halakhah Yomis you started the conversation
> Regarding our original question, although in normal circumstances, it is
> preferable not to delay reciting Hamotzi, nonetheless, the importance of
> reciting Hamotzi on a whole loaf (which adds honor to the bracha) is an
> overriding consideration and takes precedence. (See Mishnah Berurah 167:4 and
> 27).

The author, you will note, didn't think that standing vs. sitting was an
issue. Just time delay vs having a shaleim. I replied that given those
two choices, you could take a roll off the table you're seated at with
you to the washing stationg.

(In terms of this din, it can equally be a roll from another table. But
I would think it's wrong to risk that the table you take from doesn't
have enough for the people seated there.)

If you want to discuss standing, that's an interesting question. Why didn't
the author of the OU page not consider making HaMotzi while sitting a
factor to weigh?

> Indeed, Ashkenazim in general make kiddush sitting and Havdalah sitting
> which is in accordance with a Tosafos in Brachos,  I believe.  Sitting
> denotes a "permanence".  Standing is not the preferable way to eat.

Actually, sitting for Havdalah is a Gra (Maaseh Rav) / Brisk style
innovation. Minhag Ashkenaz was to stand (Rama OC 296:6).

The reason why this was a much more common minhag than standing for
Qiddush is because the meal is eaten sitting. But otherwise, the Kol Bo
(41) said we would stand for both, as a show of kavod for the Shabbos
Malka. Just as he has us stand for Havdalah.

But back to the question of sitting... I don't think the need for qevi'us
is invoked for the berakhah itself, but for being yotzei another. (E.g.
Tosafos Berakhos 34a, "ho'il". In contrast, the SA OC 167:13 says you
can be yotzei others even if everyone is standing).

See AhS OC 296:17. He quotes the aforementioned Tosafos saying that since
people prepare themselves for Havdalah, there is qevi'us even when standing.
And one should stand as the king (King?, or or Who is the Shabbos Malka?)
departs. (Except, he notes, according to the Gra.)

So, if everyone is making their own HaMotzi at the wedding, sitting vs
standing is a non-issue.

Tir'u baTov!

Micha Berger                 You are not a human being in search
http://www.aishdas.org/asp   of a spiritual experience. You are a
Author: Widen Your Tent      spiritual being immersed in a human
- https://amzn.to/2JRxnDF    experience. - Pierre Teilhard de Chardin

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