[Avodah] Birchat Haorchim

Akiva Miller akivagmiller at gmail.com
Wed Feb 24 19:55:59 PST 2021

R' Joel Rich asked:

> Has anyone heard of an explanation why for so many years many
> ashkenazim did not say birchat haorchim in the birchat hamazon
> (assumedly relying on the harachaman to do the job) and only
> recently was it added back into the standard text of birchonim?

The simple answer is: Minhagim change. That's their nature.

One could just as well ask why almost none of the siddurim I've seen use
the halacha's text for Haneros Halalu. (It's in O"C 676. Pick your favorite
rishon or acharon, and compare what they write to what you say. Cheat sheet
available at https://www.aishdas.org/avodah/vol28/v28n251.shtml#19)

Akiva Miller
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