[Avodah] Soft Matzah

Prof. L. Levine llevine at stevens.edu
Mon Mar 15 10:37:23 PDT 2021

The CRC sent out an email saying that soft matzah is not acceptable for Ashkenazim.  The person who knows a great deal about soft matzah is Rabbi Dr. Ari Zivotofsky.  A google search for Zivotofsky soft matza yields

The Halachic Acceptability of Soft Matzah<http://halachicadventures.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/09/Journal-of-contemporary-socienty-and-halacha-soft-matzah.pdf>
halachicadventures.com › 09

of Soft Matzah Rabbi Dr. Ari Z Zivotofsky Dr. Ari Greenspan Introduction The Torah (Shmot 12:18) commands all Jews, men and women alike, to eat matzah on the first night of Pesach; yet nowhere does it explain how to make this required product or how it should look. For most Jews today, matzah is a thin,

The Thick and Thin of the History of Matzah<http://www.hakirah.org/Vol17Zivotofsky.pdf>
www.hakirah.org › Vol17Zivotofsky

Ari Zivotofsky, Ph.D., is a rabbi and shoḥetand teaches in the Bar Ilan University brain science program. Together they have been researching mesorah, history and halakhah from Jewish communities around the world for over 30 years. They write extensively and lecture worldwide.

Matzah: Thin and Hard vs. Thick and Soft Ari Zivotofsky<https://www.torahinmotion.org/sites/default/files/podcast/matzah_thick_thin_sources.pdf>
www.torahinmotion.org › sites › default

Ari Zivotofsky (biblical mitzvah to eat matzah on the first night of Pesach – what is it?) ש ד ח ל ם י ר ש ע ו ד ח א ה ם ו י ד ע ת צ מ ו ל כ א ת ב ר ע ב ש ד ח ל ם ו י ר ש ע ה ע ב ר א ב ן ש א בר

and more.

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